Our Club
Farnham Park Baseball and Softball Club
The Club
About Us
Documents and Policies
On The Pitch
League Standings
Beginners Softball for Women
Documents and Policies
Committee Role Descriptions
Oversee general running of club
Attend monthly committee meetings
Ensure that committee are fulfilling their duties and actions assigned to them at meetings
Assist with Clubmark accreditation
Deal with any problems that arise within the club, acting impartially
Organise dates of training sessions, liaise with coaches and set up coaching schedule
Act as first point of contact for new members, sponsors, etc.
Act as figurehead for the club, providing direction and guiding the club’s development
Send emails out to the membership on behalf of the committee
Prepare agendas for committee meetings
Attend monthly committee meetings
Take and issue minutes for committee meetings
Collate membership details
Prepare documentation for the AGM
Take minutes for the AGM
Roster members with BSUK
Change signatories/contact addresses with Natwest at the start of the season (if required)
Look after club cheque book and distribute timely payments, e.g league fees, tournament entry, parish council fees, etc.
Maintain club accounts, reconcile back to monthly bank statements
Produce cash flow forecasts to aid committee in purchasing decisions
Prepare annual accounts (year end 30th September) for AGM
Collect & bank match fee monies from captains (Phoenix, Flames & Tournaments)
Collect & bank annual membership monies
Send out a weekly update to captains/chairman of outstanding monies
Attend committee meetings, providing a monthly finance update
Phoenix Captain
Contact players weekly regarding availability and updating the club’s availability sheet
Notify players by Friday, 12pm, of their selection for the following week’s game and provide details of the game (directions, meet times, etc.)
Ensure that all equipment (bases, match balls, warm up balls, batting helmets, etc) are taken to games and that pitch is marked out, litter free and in good condition
Attend training regularly
Encourage team to attend training
Email the coaches weekly regarding what to work on at training
Organise umpires for games allocated by the League for Phoenix to umpire
Attend Flames games to gauge ability and who might/should be challenging for a place in Phoenix
Attend selection meetings with head coach and Flames captain
Work with coaches and Flames Captain to develop players and ensure progression through the club
Fill in forms, collect match fees, etc. on match days, including phoning in the scores on home games
Fill in the team on BSUK website the day after the game
Obtain player details from Tournaments Captain and ensure that they are included on the Phoenix team roster for qualification at Nationals
Attend monthly committee meetings
Flames Captain
Contact players weekly regarding availability and updating the club’s availability sheet
Notify players by Monday, 12pm, of their selection for the following week’s game and provide details of the game (directions, meet times, etc.)
Ensure that all equipment (bases, match balls, warm up balls, batting helments, etc) are taken to games and that pitch is marked out, litter free and in good condition
Attend training regularly
Encourage team to attend training
Email the coaches weekly regarding what to work on at training
Organise umpires for games allocated by the League for Flames to umpire
Attend selection meetings with head coach and Phoenix captain
Fill in forms, collect match fees, etc. on match days, including phoning in the scores on home games
Fill in the team on BSUK website the day after the game
Attend monthly committee meetings
Work with coaches and Phoenix Captain to develop players and ensure progression through the club
Tournaments Captain
Contact membership at start of season with details of tournaments that CSC are intending to enter
Obtain availability for tournaments
Determine whether there are enough players available to enter tournaments
Ensure that team(s) are entered into chosen tournaments and entry fees are paid prior to deadlines
Email players at least one week prior to tournaments confirming details
Collect deposits and match fees from players
Organise the team on the day
Liaise with coaches to ensure that coaching points/feedback are provided briefly after games to aid player/team development
Attend monthly committee meetings
League Representative
Attend monthly league meetings representing CSC
Report details of league Committee Meetings to CSC Committee
Attend monthly committee meetings
Child Welfare Officer
Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and young people
Assist the club to implement its child welfare action plan
Be the first point of contact for staff, volunteers, parents and children/young people where concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or child abuse are identified
Be the first point of contact with the BSUK Child Welfare Officer
Implement the club’s reporting and recording procedures
Maintain contact details for local social services, police and the Area Child Protection Committee
Promote the club’s best practice guidance/code of conduct within the club
Ensure adherence to the club’s child welfare training
Ensure confidentiality is maintained
Promote anti-discriminatory practice
Attend monthly committee meetings
The Child Welfare Officer is expected to have knowledge of the following:
BSUK Child Welfare Policy and Procedures
Core legislation, government guidance and National Framework for Child Protection
Basic knowledge of roles and responsibilities of local statutory agencies (social services, police and Area Child Protection Committees). The CWO should have full contact details for all their local agencies
Their own clubs roles and responsibilities to safeguard the welfare of children and young people – boundaries of the CWO role
Their own clubs policies and procedures related to safeguarding children and young people
Awareness of equality issues and child protection
Volunteer Co-ordinator
Contact membership with details of vacant committee positions and find a suitable volunteer to fill them
Find volunteers (not necessarily club members) to help with tasks outside the scope of the committee
Attend monthly committee meetings
The Club
The Club
About Us
Documents and Policies
Documents and Policies
Child Protection Policy
Child Welfare Officer
Code of Conduct - Officials and Volunteers
Code of Conduct - Parents and Carers
Code of Conduct - Senior Members
Committee Role Descriptions
Emergency Procedures
Junior Member Rules
Role of Assistant Junior Coach
Role of Head Junior Coach
Volunteer Co-ordinator
Other Documents