

As with previous seasons we will be entering a host of softball tournaments this summer. Tournaments are a great way to play with members of the club that you do not play with week in week out in the league. This year we are playing in recreational "C" grade, so the environment is relaxed, friendly and very social and should be great fun to play in. For those that are new to the club - tournaments are a great way to learn the game quickly - our team will normally play around 8 hours of softball which equates to the same amount of game-time as 4 or 5 league games.

If you would like to play weekend softball tournaments this season then please contact our Tournaments Officer, Joe Quigley.

We are entering the following tournaments:

GB Open - 19th April
This tournament is being run by the GB Slowpitch Squads and is an opportunity for them to raise funds for their international activities this summer. This will be an interesting tournament mixing "B" and "C" grade teams together using a handicapping system. It should be great fun - if a little cold being so early in the season.

Windsor First Ball - 25th April
This is a pre-season tournament run by our league. This is a fantastic opportunity to get some game time in before the start of the league season.

Diamond Tournaments - 9th-10th May, 13th-14th June, 8th-9th August
These are a series of 3 events held at Farnham Park in Slough. They're local which means not having to worry about travelling and accommodation and very well run with lots of toilets, bars, food outlets and if you fancy a party in the evening then there'll be a live band playing on the Saturday nights in the main clubhouse.

Windsor Tournament - 27th-28th June
Our local Tourny run by our League. This is a "B" and "C" grade event only and has been a great advert for the League over the years.

BSUK MLB Tournament - 13th-14th July
BSUK and Major League Baseball are teaming up to run a large new co-ed slowpitch tournament at Farnham Park for all grades of play. There will be lots of features and extras as the tournament aims to recreate the MLB Tournaments than ran from 1997-2001 and were at that time the best tournaments in the country.

Bristol Rec - 15th-16th August
Also held at Clifton College just outside of Bristol, this is for "C" and "D" grade teams only and as such there is more of an emphasis on the fun side of playing with many teams playing in fancy dress!!! Normally one of the most fun tournaments in the calendar with most teams electing to camp on-site.

If you have any questions about these events then please ask.